Chapter 2 Strike While the Iron is Hot

For most of us asking for help is something often seen as a last desperate act, something we will do as a last resort after exhausting any means possible to keep ourselves from spiraling down. Almost no one would admit to ever wanting to at least tele-consult or reach out to a therapist. I have done so myself, often rummaging through free sites as the last vestige of hope to speak to someone who I know would vaguely understand my predicament. Sometimes I am in self-denial, most days I curl into a ball thinking about how my Mom or my late Father would react to my inability to adult but there are days when all I need is a friend who will listen and not judge. It's surprising that in this age of technology I just have no one to connect to. It is sad but this is my truth. I have had plenty of experience of wanting to speak out and whilst explaining the inner workings of my dilemma the other person shuts you off with unsolicited advice and I-told-you-so comments and some strange otherworldly assumptions of the reason why you are feeling the way you're feeling. 

So, I have come up with the list of sites I follow to keep you informed on the latest developments in Rome or the prevailing themes in geopolitics. I guess this is currently what's driving me from inaction like the best slap in the face to get my act together. Forget frivolousness cause this is what is up! 

Amid the political turmoil of our society, Covid19, and getting through depression, my succeeding posts would be to give valuable resource material to lift you from having a major psychotic breakdown, to seek insights, and to reach within us and hold the invisible line towards God, and our salvation. 

Step One

Know thy truth and stay up to date with the latest...

Dr. Taylor Marshall

Amir Tsarfati 

Step Two

Be Inspired and subscribe to these channels pronto!

Pints for Aquinas

Queen of Peace Media

Last but not the least, get to know your Bible and fall in love with the Catholic Church again.


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